About Us

Vision: To work towards better INDIA through empowerment and Education of masses

Mission: To transform Population statistics into contributing Alert Citizen.

Goal: To get Every Indian to contribute to INDIAN development, beyond just taxes.

Ek Aur Prayaas is a Socio-Political movement by non political party. It epitomizes the eternal optimism that change is possible through perseverance and hard work. It is a tribute to the never say die spirit that is inherently present in one and all. This is a platform for the young, with meaningful contributions from the experienced professionals who are devoted to the cause of a better society. Youth of today refuses to be a mere spectator, is desirous of contributing his skills and energy to bring about the change that they wants.

Ek Aur Prayaas aims to channel the abundant youth energy towards Nation building, through selfless service of its members and participants those who will be engaged in the due course of time.

Team –

1. Jaymin Panchal – A Management Postgraduate with strong inclination towards empowering the potential of the society to achieve for the Best

2. Anil Kohli – An ex- Aviation Industry Personnel with experience across various industries